Friday, September 12, 2008

Time for school!

School? Are you kidding me? How did this happen? It is so hard to believe that Ella is old enough for preschool. She only goes 2 days a week for 2.5 hours those days. Drop off on the first day did not go well. She is in the afternoon class and is still taking naps. So, she was tired and clingy when it came time for school. There was a lot of tears and calling for Daddy. We managed to leave and she managed to calm down and enjoy herself. I can't wait for all the artwork to start rolling in!

On the way to school after stopping at Wendy's for lunch

Standing outside with Addison (neighbor). They are in the same class.


Checking out what's in store for her

Time for school


Anonymous said...
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Jen said...

What a big girl!! Ella has such beautiful hair!

Lindsay said...

She looks like such a big girl! She's so pretty.

I'm glad she had such a good time!

S said...

She is ADORABLE! I can't get over how big our babies are getting!

(PS: love your car seats!)

Kristi Ann said...

Awwww....she looks sooo cute! i cant believe she is in school already!!! eeeek!

How is she doing in school?

Sabrina said...

They do grow up fast! She looks like she's happy to be going too! Cute pics!