Sunday, July 6, 2008

All about Ella

Ella has grown so much lately. She is talking so much better and is able to tell us her feelings. We get a lot of 'you hurt my feelings' or 'I'm happy' from her. It's nice to be able to have a conversation. We are in the midst of potty training. Oh boy, it's a chore. She hasn't quite 'gotten it' yet, but we're getting there. She'll tell us most of the time when she has to go. It'll sure be nice to have only 1 in diapers. She starts school in August and it is a requirement. So fingers crossed that it completely sinks in before then.

She is such a fun, beautiful little girl. She is in love with her sister and even though will push and kick her when she feels like it she'll also protect her. It's really amazing to watch her love for Noelle. It just melts my heart.

She JUST told me 'Mommy I like you'. She said this despite me yelling at her to stop running on the couch (this is a constant battle with her and her sister).

Having a 2 year old is extremely challenging, but the sweet moments outweigh the bad by a million.

Helping Mommy make muffins

Apparently not in a photo taking kind of mood


S said...

she's beautiful! I love that I can have a real conversation with Adam too it's so fun!

Angela said...

Ella's hair is getting so long!

Maribeth Zelasko said...

Ella is such a little lady, I remember when I got to hold her for the first time. She looks like you Jen.

Sabrina said...

I can't believe how long her hair is! I love that frown in the last picture! lol